Trauma Transformation Ceremony Sessions

  • Courageously step into Ceremonial Sacred Space.

    Acknowledge, Express, Honor and Move through a Trauma Transformation Session in a Nurturing, Safe Energetic Container. Connect with, Share, and Be Guided by JBird Harmony, a Survivor of Childhood Sexual Abuse, Rape Trauma, and Post Traumatic Stress, Night Terrors, and Suicidal Thoughts to Overcome and Process any Difficult, Painful, and Isolating Emotions, Memories, or Physical Challenges you may Be Experiencing.

    You will be Guided and Held in Sacredness and a listening space of Wisdom and Metamorphosis. Co-Create A Sacred Space to openly Share, Express, Emote and Learn Sound Healing Techniques to help restore Wholeness in Mind, Body and Spirit after Surviving experiences of Sexual Abuse, Rape, Post Traumatic Stress, Physical Trauma, or other Anxiety producing events.

    Co-Create your own Ceremony of Metamorphosis. Be held in Sacred Space of Mother Gaia Wisdom to transform Intergenerational Trauma, Interpersonal Trauma or other Traumatic Life Events using Mantras, Songs, Sounds, Instrumentation, and Visualizations to Reclaim Your Power & Inner Peace. Create Honor and Safety in Your Own Life & Expression, and Build a Conscious Community of Support. You are Needed, Valued and Loved.